Why Minerals Are Crucial For a Healthy Gut and Balanced Hormones
What are minerals?
Minerals are like building blocks that our body needs to stay healthy. They are inorganic substances that come from soil and rocks and are found in a variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, raw dairy products, and meat. Minerals are essential to the body and include calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, sodium, phosphorus, and iodine.
What do they do?
They help us make sure that our organs and systems in the body work properly. Minerals also play a key role in hydration by controlling the amount of water in our body and help us make important hormones and enzymes.
Why are minerals important for gut health?
Minerals are like helpers for our gut that make sure everything is working properly. They help good bacteria grow, help enzymes digest our food, and make sure our body can absorb all the nutrients from the food we eat. If we don't get enough minerals, our gut health will suffer and we experience problems with digestion and nutrient absorption, which can result in gas, bloating, constipation, leaky gut, IBS, and other chronic digestive health issues.
Why are minerals important for hormones?
Minerals are important for hormones because they help make and control hormones in our body. For instance, magnesium is needed to make hormones like estrogen and testosterone, while zinc is needed to make thyroid hormones and help control insulin. Certain minerals, like calcium, and phosphorus, also help keep our bones strong, which is important for hormonal health. If we don't get enough of these minerals, our hormones will not work correctly, and become unbalanced, which leads to infertility, irregular periods, and mood changes.
What else are they important for?
Minerals are important for so many other things like hydration (without enough minerals we won’t absorb water, no matter how much we drink) immunity, bone and teeth health, energy levels, and even healthy hair, skin, and nails. For example, zinc is essential for collagen production, which supports healthy skin and nails, while iron helps to prevent hair loss. Minerals are also important for weight loss because they support various bodily functions, such as metabolism and energy production, which can affect our ability to lose weight. In addition, some minerals have been linked to improved insulin sensitivity, which can help to regulate blood sugar levels and reduce cravings for sugary foods.
How do we get enough minerals?
Making sure we are getting enough minerals from a varied diet is crucial to help us stay healthy, and avoid problems like hormonal imbalances, poor gut health, nerve problems, muscle weakness, weak immune system, and weak bones and teeth. Eating mostly whole, unprocessed foods like fruit, vegetables, high-quality meats like grass-fed beef, and raw milk (if you have access to it) will ensure you are getting enough minerals in your body.
What about mineral supplements?
Taking mineral supplements alone is not the best way to ensure you’re getting enough minerals, as they may not be absorbed or utilized effectively by the body. Whole foods contain all the essential nutrients, in forms that are easier for the body to absorb and utilize.